Frequently Asked Questions

To select a card as per the occasion, you need to log in to your account. Go to your event and click the invitation option, and you will be landed on cards of that particular event type or Once you log in, go to the invitation option through the home-page, and then you can select your card as per the occasion. 

To edit or remove the sample text, click on font written on the card and edit it. For example, you want to write your name and want to change venue. Click on the name written on the card and rename it to your name and same you can do it to your venue.  

To preview you card, close the edit tab and you will be able to see the preview button, click on the button to get the preview. Yes, you can send yourself a free test email and check beforehand how it will appear to your guest.  

Once you edit and preview you card, you will get an option of SAVE on the top right corner of the page. Click on it and you card will be save.  

To select or change the backdrop, stamp and envelope, you need to first save the invite. After you save, you will be automatically redirect to the backdrop, stamp and envelope change or edit option. Even you can also upload your own backdrop, stamp, and envelope.  

To upload your own design go to the create now option from the home’s invitation menu. When you click their the page will redirect you to upload my own design window. After that you can upload you design

To edit your own design use the commands present in the editor’s box such as filter, resize, crop, draw, text, shapes, stickers, frame, corners, and merge.  

To create a guest list, go to invitation, there you will get option of Guest List on the left-hand side. Or else you can also add guest list after creating the card.  You can also create guest list from your event. 

To create event through card, go to My Invitation Section, click on option and there you will find an option to create event. Once you select that option, you can create an event by filling up the event details. 

To add guest in different guest list, first create the guest list with a name. After selecting the list, you can add guest in it or else you can upload the list as well.